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Double tomato Pizza with anchovies, basil and chilli pepper- flavoured oil

Double tomato Pizza with anchovies, basil and chilli pepper- flavoured oil

Some tasty anchovies can make your usual pizza a wonderful food experience! Discover our special recipe!

Mediterranean tuna & red onion pizza

Mediterranean tuna & red onion pizza

Pizza is by far the most famous Italian dish; ask anyone what they first think of when they hear the word 'Italian food', and their automatic response will be: pizza. There are many ways of making pizza, according to where you are, it can be thick or very thin, lightly seasoned or covered with toppings - you choose! In this recipe we suggest a delicious combination, which is tuna fish with onion. We promise, you won't be disappointed! 

Prickly lettuce pizza

Prickly lettuce pizza

We called it 'pizza', but actually this dish is more similar to what French people call a 'quiche'.. but well, the recipe is Italian, so we allow ourselves to misuse the word this once! Try out this original and incredibly delicious dish, serve it to your friends and family or take it with you if you are going on an outing somewhere - just put it in a Tupperware container and you're good to go!

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